Thirty-six Holy Blossom-ites travel to Israel together on the UJA’s Centennial Mission.
This Shabbat we'll honour them and their commitment to Israel with a special aliyah to the Torah.
Holy Blossom Temple supports Reform Judaism in Israel
At our Kol Nidre services, you heard messages about the importance of supporting the Reform movement in Israel.
Lean In To Israel
I recently received an email from a long-time, devoted congregant who is smart, accomplished, fair-minded. The subject line of his email: “Troubles in Israel.”
Reflections on Israel Becoming a State for all Jews
As Reform Jews, we have been working tirelessly in concert with colleagues and friends from the Israel Movement for Progressive and Reform Judaism...
HBTeens Go to Washington
In December, Rabbi Michael Satz and our Director of Youth Engagement Lisa Isen Baumal brought some of our teens to participate in the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism’s L’Taken Seminar in Washington, DC. They learned about social issues and how our Jewish values inform our responses to them.
Thank you! To our ShinShinim – Eye on Israel Program
By Gillian Helfield
D’var Israel – February 22, 2017
By Gil Peled, Shinshin.
Is the Government of Israel Letting Down American Jewry?
I think that most Israelis feel a special bond with America, but not necessarily with its Jews.
D’var Israel – January 12 2017
On Wednesday, January 3rd אלאור אזריה an IDF soldier was convicted of manslaughter after shooting an injured terrorist who no longer was a threat. The soldier's act sparked widespread public debate in Israel, that became a continuation…
D’var Israel – December 17 2016
Some of you may know and some of you might not, we are soon going back to Israel for two weeks to visit during winter break. This is our last Dvar Israel before the visit and because of that we decided to talk about something that we’ve been…