Women of the Wall and the Struggle for Women’s Rights and Pluralism in Israel
Lesley Sachs,
Executive Director, Women of the Wall
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Following Shacharit at 9:00 a.m.
Join us for breakfast following Shacharit with Lesley Sachs, one of the founding members of “Isha L’isha – Haifa’s Feminist…
We Will Not Be Silent
By Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner.
The slogan shouted loud and clear as thousands gathered in the parking lot of our synagogue on Wednesday evening, August 20, 2014 and marched vigorously to Bialik Jewish Day School.
The march was organized…
We Will Not Be Silent! A Community March Against Anti-Semitism
A candlelit walk up Bathurst Street to show our concern for growing anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment.
Calling on Reform Jews and Reform Zionists to join in this community-wide expression of solidarity with Israel and global Jewry.
Israel Committee: Initiative for Israel – August 5, 2014
What did Israel accomplish?
Israel completed a difficult operation with US and EU support intact, and quiet but surprisingly strong support of many Arab states: http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/netanyahus-new-friends-yield-new-possibilities-for-regional-security/
Israel Committee: Initiative for Israel – July 29, 2014
Inspired by Rabbi Splansky, the Israel Committee will provide weekly links to selected articles that go beyond the headlines and aid in understanding the Israeli situation.
The tunnels
Gaza tunnels take Israel by surprise
The terrible…
Congregational Letters of Support to Our Alumni ShinShinim in Israel
Add your voice.
Below is a collection of a few letters sent by concerned members of our congregation, received by our alumni ShinShinim, and responded to by our alumni ShinShinim when possible.
We ask that you continue this campaign…
Israel Committee: Initiative for Israel
Inspired by Rabbi Splansky, the Israel Committee will provide weekly links to selected articles that go beyond the headlines and aid in understanding the Israeli situation.
Hushed Determined Israel in a war for our Home - Times of Israel
Video: HBT Israel Trip!
In March 2014, a group of Confirmation class students travelled to Israel with Debbie Spiegel and Lisa Isen Baumal as their madrichim, for a week of travel, exploration and friendship.
Jessica Baldachin and friends, created a…
Holy Blossom Walks with Israel
Sunday, May 25, 2014
9:00 a.m.
Again this year, Holy Blossom Temple will publicly demonstrate our support for Israel by assembling as a group in the "Walk With Israel".
The Walk With Israel is an inspiring event that is both fun and…
Story Accounts from Israel
From Darkness to Freedom & Independence
By Cantor Benjamin Maissner.
It is hard to believe that the long anticipated dream of celebrating Israel’s 65th birthday is over so.
Israel and the Arts Through the Eyes of a Sabra (that’s…