Rabbinic Reflection: Rabbi Taylor Baruchel
The valedictorian of my undergraduate class was a remarkable guy: the oldest of four children raised by a single mother, he dropped out of high school at age fifteen, to work and help support his siblings. He was a bright kid stuck in a cycle…

Rabbinic Reflection: Rabbi Eliza McCarroll
Dear Holy Blossom family,
Our Talmud teaches us that “the world is sustained by the breath of schoolchildren” (Shabbat 119b).
It is on that note that this week, I am including below an exciting note, from our wonderful Shinshinit Ella,…

Rabbinic Reflection: Rabbi Samuel Kaye
שִׁיר הַמַּעֲלוֹת בְּשׁוּב יְהֹוָה אֶת־שִׁיבַת צִיּוֹן הָיִינוּ כְּחֹלְמִים׃
אָז יִמָּלֵא שְׂחוֹק פִּינוּ וּלְשׁוֹנֵנוּ רִנָּה אָז…

Rabbinic Reflection: Rabbi Eliza McCarroll
Honouring our Wisdom Generation
Growing up, and still to this day, my family has the tradition of celebrating Shabbat dinner together at my grandparent’s home, every Friday night.
Like many of your families, we too have our Shabbat routines;…

Rabbinic Reflection: Rabbi Samuel Kaye
A few days ago, I had the pleasure of spending a little bit of time with one of my friends whom all of you know, Rabbi Zachary Goodman. We were in the backyard, his little Abe was running around with my daughter Selah, while we watched over…

Rabbinic Reflection: Rabbi Bill S. Tepper
Harvesting Our Blessings
Among my many beautiful recollections of time spent in Israel, is as a volunteer worker on my kibbutz - Sha'ar Ha'amakim [‘Gate of the Valleys’] near Haifa - during the Festival of Shavuot. On the…

Kabbalat Shabbat Drash: Rabbi Yael Splansky
Friday, May 20, 2022

Shabbat Morning Sermon: Rabbi Zachary Goodman
Saturday, May 21, 2022

Rabbinic Reflection: Rabbi Bill Tepper
A Return to Bond Street: Sisterhood and the Women of Holy Blossom
I often view my theatre-directing days as an era of my past, with their many memorable rehearsal periods, productions and individual performances. But in the past, all the same. …