Cantor David Rosen: Reflections on Poland & Prague
Reflections on Poland & Prague
By Cantor David Rosen
It is one thing to travel to Poland as a Jew when things are stable in the world. It is another to travel to Poland amidst the greatest attack on our people since the Shoah. I must admit…
Kabbalat Shabbat Drash: Cantor David Rosen
Shabbat Morning Sermon: Cantor David Rosen
Cantor Sheldon Merel z”l
Cantor Sheldon Merel z”l
Dear Holy Blossom Community,
It is with great sadness that we learn of the passing of Cantor Sheldon Merel Z”l. Cantor Merel served our beloved Holy Blossom Congregation with tremendous dignity and honour…
Reflections on Cantor Rosen’s Installation
Click here to watch the recording of the Installation Service!
As I reflect upon last Shabbat, I am still overwhelmed with joy and gratitude for the wonderful installation service that official welcomed be as the Senior Cantor and Music Director…