Holy Blossom Temple supports Reform Judaism in Israel
At our Kol Nidre services, you heard messages from our rabbis about the importance of supporting the Reform movement in Israel. Each year, our members are given the opportunity to make voluntary contributions to ARZA Canada and the World Union for Progressive Judaism along with membership renewal. If you have not had a chance to do so, we encourage you to contribute today!
I Care about ARZA Canada
Les Rothschild, Past President
I care about ARZA Canada because through this organization, I am able to support the efforts and goals of the Reform Movement in Israel. They are opening new synagogues (50 so far) and schools, and are training new rabbis to bring the pluralistic, egalitarian and democratic message of Reform Judaism to Israelis who are looking for a non-orthodox way to be Jewish. ARZA Canada also provides education programs to Reform Jews across Canada to help them understand these issues better.
Now more than ever, it is important to help Israelis to be able to practise Judaism without government interference, to have all rabbis treated equally, and to allow everyone to pray and practise Judaism where and how they want.
Learn more about ARZA Canada and become a member at www.arzacanada.org
I Care About the World Union For Progressive Judaism (WUPJ)*
Carole Sterling, Chair
The WUPJ is the umbrella organization that includes the Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism (IMPJ)
I care about the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) because as a member of Holy Blossom Temple, I want my fellow Reform, Progressive, Liberal Jews around the world to enjoy the same opportunities and privileges that my family and I do.
I want them to have the best professional and lay leadership, opportunities to send their children to summer camp where they can experience a Judaism filled with creativity and inclusivity, chances to learn and study with the best teachers, share issues of common concern such as conversion and ritual practice, offer programs for their young people and live a meaningful and productive Jewish life, in the way that they choose knowing that they are part of and connected to a vital and vibrant global family!
I hope you will support us in our important work and help us strengthen the lives of Reform Jews around the world.
Learn more about the World Union for Progressive Judaism and donate today at www.wupj.org