Life in Blossom
Mazel tov to Jonny Vaisberg and Galina Goren on the birth of their son, Jacob, on Oct 18, 2022. Proud grandparents are Jules and Rosalind Vaisberg and Genadi and Valentina Goren.
Mazel tov to Ian and Kate Rosen on the birth of their daughter Isabelle Penny Rosen. Mazel tov to proud grandparents Susan Jackson and Larry Rosen.
Mazel tov to Arieh and Val Waldman on the birth of their third grandchild, Lyla Dorothy Waldman. Proud first-time parents are Avidan and Jackie Waldman.
Mazel tov to Sam Molot-Toker & Hannah Korsunsky on their engagement on October 30th, 2022.
Mazel tov to Jane Apor and Marcel Zierfuss on their marriage on November 4th, 2022.
Mazel tov to Daniel Cass on becoming Bar Mitzvah on November 12th, 2022. Proud parents are Martha & Randy Cass.
Mazel tov to Lin Chow-Feldman on becoming Bat Mitzvah on November 19th, 2022. Proud parents are Irene Chow & Richard Feldman.
Mazel tov to Mason Freedman on becoming Bar Mitzvah on November 19th, 2022. Proud parents are Robyn Blatt & Jeffery Freedman.
Mazel tov to Samson Szego on becoming Bar Mitzvah on November 19th, 2022. Proud parents are Beth Dewitt & Tim Szego.
It is with sadness we report the passing of member Marvin Goodman z”l husband of past-president Diana Goodman, father of Ray Goodman (Kathy), Bob Goodman (Amy), Marcia Goldlist (Harvey Goldlist) and Sarah Gratta (Frank).
The funeral service was held on Sunday, November 13th at Holy Blossom Temple, interment was at Holy Blossom Temple Cemetery.
It is with sadness we report the passing of Micki Brudner z”l mother of Howard Brudner (Leslie), Robbie Brudner (Suzanne), sister of member Alan Brudner (Fern), Jack Brudner(Marlene) and Harold Brudner.
The funeral service was held on Sunday, November 13th, graveside at Pardes Shalom Cemetery.
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