Youth Education Centre (YEC) FAQ’s
Who’s Who at the YEC:
Holy Blossom Temple telephone 416.789.3291:
Lisa Isen Baumal
Principal of Youth Education & Family Engagement
Neomi Offman
Administrator, Department of Education
Sophie Rivers
Youth Engagement Coordinator
Dalia Alalouf
Hebrew Supervisor
Diana Solomon
VP Education, Holy Blossom Temple Board of Directors
Students who gain the most from the YEC are those who are able to maintain regular and consistent attendance. This is beneficial both for learning, and equally for creating and maintaining a sense of connection and forming relationships amongst peers.
We recognize that things come up throughout the school year, and understand if a student needs to miss a class from time to time. If you know your child will be away in advance, we appreciate you letting us know ahead of time. If your child will be absent from class for an extended period of time, we can make arrangements to send work home to keep up. This is especially important for Hebrew learning.
Please ensure that students are at Holy Blossom on time for the beginning of class: 9:30am on Sundays and 6:30pm on Mondays. On Sunday mornings, parents are welcome to accompany their child/ren directly to their classrooms. At the end of the day (11:30am for Kindergarten and Grade 1, 12:30pm for grades 2-5), students will all meet their parents in the Atrium for pick up.
ALL student and parents should use the main entrance from Ava Rd. to enter the building for classes.
Should you need to pick up a student early, or know that your student will be arriving late, please email our administrator, Neomi:
If your child is not feeling well, please keep them home from the YEC. Please ensure that we are aware of any medical conditions that may impact your child’s participation in the YEC, and let us know if there are any accommodations that need to be put in place. Please ensure that you have provided updated medical information, emergency contact info, allergy information and proof of vaccination to the YEC, as requested in the registration forms.
If your child normally carries an epi-pen or inhaler, we ask that they keep it on their person while they are in the building, for their own protection.
COVID-related policies:
Holy Blossom Temple strongly encourages all who are eligible for vaccination to do so at your earliest opportunity, including pediatric vaccines and boosters/3rd/4th doses for adults.
Masks are optional in the YEC. Students and teachers who choose to wear them are welcome to do so, however they are not required. Holy Blossom is a ‘mask appreciated’ building.
Snacks and other opportunities to share food is an important part of the YEC experience. Students in JK – Grade 1 are encouraged to bring a small snack from home* to eat mid-morning.
Students in Grades 2-5, and Monday night students have the option of purchasing snack during break-time. All snack items are $1 each, with the proceeds going to The Y.E.C. Tzedakah fund.
*Holy Blossom Temple is a nut-sensitive environment. We ask that no nut products are brought into our building. Nut products are not used at any school-wide programs or in individual classrooms where the Y.E.C. is responsible for the refreshments.
Cell phones and other electronic devices are not permitted to be used during class time. Teachers in our Senior School will collect all cell phones at the beginning of class and keep them in a bin. Phones will be returned at break time, and the end of class. There may be instances when teachers will allow students to use personal phones for a class activity (i.e. Kahoot, etc). We strongly recommend that students not bring unnecessary valuables to class.
We recognize that students have busy schedules between school and extra-curricular activities, and therefore do not assign homework as a general rule. At times, students may be asked to complete small tasks at home that might include discussion with family members, collecting information, or reflecting on an activity or experience. We do strongly encourage students to practice Hebrew reading on a regular basis at home, to maintain learning and improve skills.