YEC Sunday November 20 – JK – Alexandra
Dear JK Parents,
Today we learned all about Mitzvot, especially the mitzvah of Bikur Holim, aiding the sick. With cold and flu season coming up, this is definitely a timely mitzvah. In fact, with one of our classmates sick today, the whole class contributed to making a get better bag for their classmate as well as one for their families. I encourage you to help fill them with gifts and pass them on to a sick friend or family member.
Next week is our family Mitzvah day. We’ll be talking about the Mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim, or welcoming guests, and making special centrepieces for Out of the Cold. The program starts with services at 10:00 in the youth chapel. We can’t wait to have you join us!
Shavua Tov!