YEC Sunday November 20 – Grade 1 – Daniella
Dear Parents,
Each morning we begin our class with putting Tzedakah into our box. We are beginning to learn our Hebrew names each week, as this is a part of our Jewish identity. This week we learned the letter Zayin, which makes the sound of Z. The Hebrew word we learned was Zebra. This week I taught the mitzvah Hachnasat Orchim, which is when we welcome guests into our homes, schools, and synagogues. We had a class discussion about how we can show kindness and respect to our guests. Some of the ideas we had were, showing them around, showing them where to put their shoes, asking them to relax and enjoy. In addition, we had the pleasure of Karen and Rebecca from Camp George come and talk to us about the activities and great things we can do at camp. Karen read us a story about camp that was amazing. Then Rebecca played a game with us called gorge and when she called out a number we had to get into a group of two for example or a group of four. We did things in our groups like make bridges, boats, and camels it was a lot of fun!
Please join us the JKs, SKs, and Grade 1’s next week Sunday, November 27, 2016 at 10am for our Hachnasat Orchim activity where we will begin with services in the Youth chapel and after we will sing some songs, read a book, and we will have someone from out of cold coming to talk with us as well. After all the grades (JKs, SKs, and Grade 1) will go back to our classrooms to make our centerpieces. We hope to see you all there!
Daniella Lebow
Grade 1 Teacher