YEC – Grade 1 Sunday December 4 – Daniella
Dear Parents,
This week we talked about the mitzvot that we did this week. I heard so many great things that we did and are doing this week like visiting our grandparents, holding the door open for the elderly, and helping our parents by watching our siblings. We had the pleasure of our Shinshinim joining us in our class. We learned the Sevivon (dreidel) song in Hebrew and then we acted like we were sevivon’s and we spun around just like a dreidel. We even played musical chairs with the Sevivon song and had a great time!
Our new Hebrew word this week was Challah and we all ate some challah and talked about what it tasted like and smelled like. The students brainstormed and said that it tasted like dough and that it was fluffy. The challah was also curvy, braided, and the top was a little crunchier then the inside of the challah. They all enjoyed it a lot and we said the HaMatozi (blessing) over the challah.
Next week, we will be learning the letter Tet and the word Tallit. Some people wear a Tallit when they pray. In addition, we will be learning the Chanukah story about Judah, the Maccabees, and Antiochus. The students will learn the blessing over the candles and how to light the candles. We light the Chanukah candles from right to left.
Daniella Lebow
Grade 1 Teacher