What Must Israel Do To Survive – And Thrive? – Benny Morris
November 17, 2011 at 8 p.m.
The Gerald Schwartz / Heather Reisman Fall Lecture Series at Holy Blossom Temple.
Benny Morris is one of the foremost Israeli historians, the founder in fact of the revisionist group of Israeli historians who in the 1980’s began to look at Israel’s founding less through the eyes of Leon Uris (Exodus) and more through the lens of the critical lover of the Jewish State.
He is a take-no-prisoners kind of intellectual, he belongs today in nobody’s camp, and always has surprising and ahead of the curve things to say.
[green_message] Our Schwartz/Reisman Centre for Jewish Learning kicks off its 2011-2012 season with a myriad of wonderful programs. Please click here to review all our programs in the new Adult Education brochure. [/green_message]