What is the mandate of the Campaign for Youth Engagement?
At the beginning of 2012 in January the Holy Blossom Temple board endorsed establishment of a vision team to oversee the Campaign for Youth Engagement (CYE) which are in line with priorities announced by the Union For Reform (URJ) at the 2011 Biennial, the creation of an endowment for Youth Engagement to support all youth engagement activities and the hiring of a full time Youth professional director who will over see the development and implementation of all aspects of youth engagement, subject to funding. The CYE is a 2020 vision where URJ aims to engage a majority of Reform Judaism teens actively in Jewish communal learning and living in order to guarantee a vibrant and dynamic Jewish future. For more information, please see urj.org/cye.
We at Holy Blossom are at the forefront of this movement, we are proud to say that our Campaign for Youth Engagement Team is working hard on our listening campaign to engage as many members of our congregation in this important conversation. We are also actively searching for fund development so that we may hire a youth professional.
These initiatives are in line with the renewal of Holy Blossom while we are not only investing in our facilities but also investing in our future with our youth.
Our sincere thanks goes out to Rabbi Karen Thomashow who has guided and inspired us to make this campaign a priority for both our synagogue and our children. The Campaign for Youth Engagement Team will prepare the vision and plan to the Board before the end of Rabbi Thomashow’s tenure atHolyBlossomTempleat the end of May 2013.