Wednesday October 18, 2017 – Daniella
Dear Parents,
This week we had the pleasure of our shinshinim Noa and Ido join us in class. We played many games with them and one of them was about the sea (Yam) and the other was about the dry land (Yabbashah). The students either had to jump off of the carpet or onto the carpet when they heard Yam or Yabbashah. They had a blast playing this game with the Shinishinim and learned a lot! They also drew pictures of themselves and sang a song about being Astuv (sad), Sameach (happy), Koes (angry), ahava (love), Raev (hungry) and Maleh (full).
We all made animal cookies for the Parsha about Noah’s ark and how Noah had to save all the animals from a flood and each animal came in two-by-two into the ark.
In addition, we learned about Shabbat and how it starts at sundown Friday night and ends at sundown Saturday night. On Shabbat we light candles and we drink wine or juice and we say a prayer for each. The JK/SK and Grade 1 made candleholders and the Grade 3s made Kiddush cups for the wine or juice.
Next week, we will continue to learn about Jewish stories from the Torah and begin to learn the aleph-bet and start incorporating more Hebrew into the lessons.
Daniella Lebow