We say Shalom and Shalom!! Shinshinim for 2015-2016
On Shabbat, June 6th, at 10:30 a.m., we will formally say “Shalom” to our current Shinshinim, Aviv Naftali and Tal Yitzhaki. They have been a tremendous addition to all that we have done here at HBT. Join us in the Family Service, in the Youth Chapel, where we will share some thoughts, some laughs and maybe some tears as we prepare to send them off to camp for the summer.
AND……Our new Shinshinim for 2015-2016 will be joining us in August. Noam Nadler and Bar Cohen are fantastic! They can’t wait to be here , and we look forward to giving them a wonderful welcome. Have a look at their recent video.
Dear Bar and Noam,
We can’t wait to meet you and welcome you to Holy Blossom. It’s going to be an amazing year together! Thank you in advance for sharing your many gifts with us and thanks to your parents for sharing YOU with us!
With great anticipation,
Rabbi Yael Splansky