These reflecting days of “Yemei Ratzon”
Dear Congregants and Friends,
These reflecting days of “Yemei Ratzon”, days of seeking favor and closeness to the Almighty bring us nearer to our own inner most private thoughts and recounting our actions during the last year. A good friend and colleague, Cantor Susan Caro, who is the immediate Past President of the American Conference of Cantors of our Reform movement has graciously shared with me her blog where she is offering a corner of her daily reflections and thoughts for the month of Elul.
Click: M’kor Nefesh – Life’s Little Observations. You will find it most uplifting and it will add a spiritual dimension to all of you during these days as we approach the sacred season of our High Holy Days.
I personally want to wish all of you a Shanah Tovah, a healthy and happy good year of health prosperity and all the best.
Warmly and harmoniously,