“There’s our shul!” – Intergenerational Shabbat Service
By Michael Ryval.
“Is David going to be there?”
…asks Ethan, our almost-5-year-old grandson, as we drive to the Family Service at Holy Blossom Temple. Yes, we assure him that David Gershon, with his guitar and repertoire of familiar Shabbat songs, will be there, helping to lead the service. “And not only that,” we add, “there will be some chocolate, too.” Whereupon he smiles, broadly, familiar with the routine of receiving a Hershey Kiss after Ethan and a bunch of other children open and close the Ark at the conclusion of services.
As grandparents, we’ve been taking Ethan to the Family Service for over three years. It’s great to be able to do so, and pass on the traditions of our people. It’s a treat to join the procession of little ones and their parents that follow the Torah as it is taken around the Youth Chapel. It’s a treat to know that Ethan and other little kids have a sense of belonging and are comfortable with David and his vast lore of Jewish stories and personalities. And it’s a treat to listen to Ethan, as we drive by Holy Blossom Temple occasionally, and he says, proudly…
“There’s our shul!”
L’dor va’dor.
All are welcome! …and a special invitation goes out to Grandparents and their Families!
The third Saturday of every month in Holy Blossom Temple’s Youth Chapel at 10:30am
(Jan 21, Feb 18, March 18, April 15, May 20)
L’dor va’dor – from generation to generation. Once a month, our whole congregation is invited to sing and pray together in the Youth Chapel to celebrate Shabbat. This service in an opportunity for extra-special family time on Shabbat morning with the joyful leadership of David Gershon, together with our Rabbis and Cantors.
Midway through the service, kids and their grandparents are invited to nearby classrooms for storytelling, snacks, and creative learning games. Parents are welcome to stay in the Chapel for some adult learning or come along to the intergenerational program. A light Kiddush lunch follows for all to enjoy.