The Fine Art Before Demolition
Renewal construction updates (almost) as they happen, for the week of July 11th, 2016.
Our contractor, Pomerleau, has now fully secured their work area from the part of the campus that we will continue to occupy throughout the duration of Phase One of Renewal. Site safety is of paramount importance and now, with protective hoarding in place and fencing and gates blocking non-construction access, we can be assured that nobody will wander into harm’s way.
The demolition sub-contractor continues to strip away walls and ceilings, in preparation for the heavy work that will soon follow. Removal of floor slabs, and excavation to create additional space for mechanical equipment and storage on the lower level, will commence in the next few weeks. It is anticipated that demolition will continue throughout the summer and will become more visible (from the outside) as work progresses.
And now that summer has officially begun, we’d just like to remind you that all High Holy Day services and programs will be taking place on-site this fall. We’ll be using the Main Sanctuary, Philip Smith Congregational Hall, 3rd floor Youth Chapel, and various other spaces within our School Wing. Specific services and room assignments are still being finalized, so please look for more information during the summer months in these bi-weekly Life at Holy Blossom updates and in our Bulletin that should reach your home any day.
If you have any questions about our Renewal Project, please click on our FAQs anytime. Or drop us a line at and we’ll do our best to answer promptly.
As always, we thank you for your support. We also thank those of you who were able to attend our recent “A More Open House” celebration. For those unable to attend, stop by sometime this summer and we would be happy to point out all of the ongoing activity! For the most up to date photos of Renewal construction in progress, please click here.