Sunday September 24, 2017 – Melody
Hello Parents,
I am thrilled with how well our year is going. The children are adjusting nicely to our busy routine and are eager to share their Jewish knowledge and experiences.
Today we began giving tzedakah, charity. We talked about how fortunate we are and how important it is to help those less fortunate. Each child is asked to bring a coin for tzedakah every Sunday. The children are very excited to participate in this mitzvah.
Today we discussed Yom Kippur and how it is important to say sorry. We explained that adults fast and spend time telling God and their friends and family that they are sorry.
For our craft today, we coloured a picture of ourselves and wrote a letter to someone we needed to apologize to. They did a great job. Special thanks to our classroom helpers, Zoey and Avi. They were fantastic! Have a wonderful week and an easy fast.