Sunday February 25, 2018 – Melody
Hello Families:
Thanks so much to everyone who was able to join us the entire morning. You really made it a special week for your children. A very special thank you to Jacob’s mom, Sara, for helping organize the mishloach manot making. We couldn’t have done it without you.
We had so much fun with the Shinshinim. They taught us a new Hebrew Purim song and told us all about Purim in Israel. Afterwards, we learned all about Mishloach Manot and with the help of our parents, packaged 2 bags. We each took one home and gave the other to our Grade 4 buddy. They were so appreciative!
The children enjoyed listening to the book “A Costume for Noah”.
Tefilah and the Purim carnival were incredible. Thanks to everyone for joining us! We hope you had fun! I hope to see everyone on Wednesday night. Here are the details:
Have a great week!