Sunday April 17 – Maya
Hatikvah was lead by our entire class. The Shamashim today were: Leah and Ruby. We are so proud of Leah and Ruby for receiving their grand prizes and second prize went to Eli for memorizing their lines for the Siyum Ha–sefer play. Yeshar Koach!!!
We shared our Shabbat/highlights and Tzedakah. We had our final preparation for Siyum Ha-Sefer. The students have been working to prepare lines, songs, and artwork to showcase in 2 weeks to all their guests. Many thanks again to our madrichim for their support: Riva and Max. Also, please review your part and bring the scripts for the play.
On May 1, 2016 at 10:30am we will have the Siyum Ha-Sefer/Mock wedding. We would like each student to wear a white top and dark bottoms. For the mock wedding, each student was given a character to represent. Please bring the appropriate prop for the character (grandpa/grandma, uncle, aunt, etc).
We invite all parents, guardians, grandparents and all honoured guests to attend! If for whatever reason your child will not be able to attend, please let the office know so we can re-assign any parts.
We continued on the Passover theme. Read the book called “The Matzah that Papa brought home”. Students had to make a list of the items added each time. We read in Hebrew the four questions (actually ONE…and four responses). Ask your child if he/she can add more responses.