Songs of Haggadah: Celebrate Passover with Song
As we approach the festival of freedom and mark our liberation from bondage we try to celebrate this occasion with song, dance and telling the story of “Yetziat Mitzrayim“. The nicest way, of course, to celebrate the festive season is naturally with songs we sing at our Seder night.
Please take advantage of the CD which I have prepared for our congregation “Songs of Haggadah“. The songs are easy to follow and can enhance your Seder table with your family and young children. You will enjoy the spirit of Passover even standing in your kitchen cooking and preparing your favourite foods, all in the spirit of Passover.
With warm and festive greetings,
You can download and listen to a sampling of the joyous melodies here: Songs of Haggadah
[green_message]You can purchase the CD by calling the Temple and ask for Mari Lynn, at ext. 224 and she will be happy to sell you the CD. It is also available through the Judaica Shop at ext. 234.[/green_message]