Something New: Monthly Shabbat Afternoon/Twilight Services and Celebration…
…throughout the Fall and Winter Seasons
On behalf of our Rabbis and Cantors, on behalf of Jeff Denaburg, the Chair of our Worship Department and Eric Klein, the Chair of our Bar/Bat Mitzvah Committee, I’m pleased to share the news of how we intend to expand our congregational prayers. Once a month, during the five dark months of the year, we will hold Shabbat afternoon/evening services. We’ll begin with Mincha and conclude Shabbat with Havdalah.
While I believe this might be new for our nearly 160 year old congregation, it is not new to Jewish life. Gathering on Saturday at 5 pm for prayer and Torah learning is a wonderful way to round out Shabbat and gives us another opportunity to gather in community. We will offer creative programs – concerts, film and art events to draw out the congregation for these Saturday evenings. HABSTY and Young Families, Brotherhood and Sisterhood already like to meet for Havdalah programs, so why not expand our offerings to include the entire congregation? These services include a Torah reading, so we will be able to extend an invitation for our B’nei Mitzvah to participate, something parents have requested for many years now.
If you have ideas for an event or program you’d like to share with the congregation, please drop me a line at We are looking for volunteers to help. And if you’d like to see your child called to the Torah at one of these new Shabbat Twilight Services, please be in touch with Hayley McAdam at
Thanks to the Temple leadership for supporting this initiative and to all who will help to make Holy Blossom Temple a Saturday afternoon/evening destination for Torah, Avodah, Gemilut Chasadim, and for Community Building, too.
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