The Holy Blossom Sisterhood At 90: With Thanks to Rebecca Brickner and Those Who Have Followed Her
On a recent Shabbat morning, Holy Blossom Temple’s Sisterhood celebrated the 90th Anniversary of its founding. In 1921, the remarkable Rebecca Brickner began our Sisterhood— which by now has contributed significantly to the life of the congregation and beyond for these 90 years.
A legendary figure in the North American Jewish community for the first half of the 20th century, Rebecca Brickner (the wife of our then rabbi, Barnett Brickner) organized the women of the synagogue to work on behalf of the congregation. An inspirational leader, she was intelligent, full of energy and a force none could ignore. She drew people to her and made things happen – whether in her original hometown of Baltimore, or in New York, or here in Toronto (1920-1925) or, for the remainder of her life, in Cleveland.
[green_message] To read more of Rabbi Moscowitz’s Blog Entry: “The Holy Blossom Sisterhood At 90: With Thanks to Rebecca Brickner and Those Who Have Followed Her” – Click here. [/green_message]