Siddur Pirchei Kodesh is here!
Our new prayerbook is completed. Just the sixth siddur in the 150 plus years of Holy Blossom’s history, this is the only book we ourselves have produced.
Infused with the ethos of the tradition and of Peoplehood, this book is most responsive to the contemporary moment. There are few siddurim in the liberal Jewish world to match Siddur Pirchei Kodesh for its fullness, its elegance, its Jewishness. This will be a siddur to cherish both while praying in our synagogue and while reciting blessings at home. It can be read as a history; it can be studied as a way into Judaism and Jewish prayer; it is an important face of our congregation.
The siddur and the moment are to be celebrated.
You must be with us on Shabbat morning October 29,2011, 10:30am!
Meanwhile, during this pre-launch period, watch for sneak previews, videos, interviews on how it came to be; listen to the music of the book and how we will pray from it—and more. Start with this welcome to the book from Rabbi Moscowitz, and Rabbi Splansky, the editor of Siddur Pirchei Kodesh, and stay tuned for more.
This is a book to have at home, no less than in shul.
And it’s a book for dedications, to remember loved ones as well as to pay honour on special occasions.
See below to order your copy of our Siddur Pirchei Kodesh.