Shabbat Itanu
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Rabbi Bill Tepper will be our guest teacher for Torah Study at 9 am and for the sermon at Shabbat Morning Services which begin at 10:30 am.
Bill Tepper is a longtime friend of Holy Blossom Temple. His family was very active in the congregation until he decided to pursue the Rabbinate as a second career. We proudly saw Bill, Deb, and Max off to Jerusalem. Since ordination, Bill has served Mizpah Congregation in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The Forward listed Rabbi Tepper as one of America’s most inspiring rabbis of 2015. We are delighted to welcome him back to Toronto.
*Shabbat Itanu is observed across the city to celebrate our diversity and to call attention to our shared responsibility in making our congregations, schools, and Jewish communal organizations more inclusive of people with different abilities.
Welcome back, Teppers