Sermon: November 30 2013 – Rabbi Yael Splansky
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There are two categories of creation miracles – there is yesh meayin, that is creation ex nihilo, creation of something from nothing, and then there is yesh meyesh, creating something from something that already exists. God performs both kinds of creation, yesh meayin and yesh meyesh. God created the world out of nothing. And then God also carries out the work of creation continually day by day by day. There are hidden miracles everywhere if only we open our eyes to them.
Rabbi Yael Splansky – Sermon: November 30, 2013.
What a wonderful idea. Sermons on Demand!!
Due to family commitments, we unfortunately had to miss that Shabbat at shul.
Hearing Rabbi Splansky’s sermon helped us fill the void.
BTW as soon as we heard the joke, we laughed!
Thank you, and we are looking forward to sharing this Shabbat
with our congregational family.
Rabbi, your November 30th sermon was absolutely beautiful, beautiful!