Sermon: January 18, 2014 – Rabbi Yael Splansky
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I’ll begin with two coulourful Yiddish expressions. The first is a comment on human nature – it goes like this: “A person is less upset by his own poverty than by someone else’s wealth.” I am sure it sounds even better in Yiddish. What does it mean? I think it means that we can cope pretty well, even when we have very little, but we do not cope very well when we see what other folks have to enjoy…
Rabbi Yael Splansky – Sermon: January 18, 2014.
Thank you Rabbi for your wisdom, for you ongoing strength and your richness of your thoughts and deeds.
You make me proud to be a Jew. Your presence is true blessing for our synagogue.
You are the example of an inspiration, a person with holly character.
In your presence I am learning more about myself and God.
Thank you for your guidance and thank you for your presence.
Peter L Weinwurm