As floors finish, walls begin
As floors finish, walls begin
Now that our full construction crew is back after their seasonal break – and 2017 has become 2018 – Phase 1 work has really kicked into high gear. This past week we took delivery of much of the remaining steel plates for the floors. Major sections of the remaining cement for both the lower level and the third floor are scheduled to be poured this week. Once these are finished, we’ll only have a few, small sections of floors left to install. See all the latest photos here.
The imminent completion of the floors enables us to reach another key milestone on the project – walls! Over the coming weeks, we are anticipating that the glass for our gorgeous south entrance, as well as the glass for the skylight, will arrive and be installed. And with that, two things will happen: we’ll really begin to see what our renewed Holy Blossom campus looks like as our beautiful Central Atrium comes into view. And our contractors will be able to fully close in and heat the site, so that every detail of the interior work and finishing can proceed on schedule. All in anticipation of Phase 1 completion, this summer.
A reminder that Phase 1 of our project includes not only our light-filled Central Atrium, but also our brand new Family Chapel, Café, Youth Lounge, Judaica Shop, Library, modern heating and cooling systems and more … all in a LEED Silver Certified, environmentally-friendly building.
Daring to dream of fully funding Phase 1 by the time we open.
Since the 2017 High Holy Days, so many in our congregation have taken our Renewal Project call to action, “ALEINU … it is upon US”, to heart. We’ve had phenomenal fundraising momentum, with over $5 million dollars pledged in the last year alone. Phone calls and emails continue to come in, our canvassers are engaged in active discussions with over 150 families, with hundreds more looking forward to beginning the conversation about becoming part of our ever-growing list of aspirational contributors.
So the challenge for our generous community becomes this: can we raise the remaining $4.2 million of our $31.5 million total in time for our opening this summer? Based on our recent fundraising success, and the Renewal of Spirit that has come hand in hand with our Renewal of Space, we feel we can absolutely make this happen, together. Just think what a wonderful and symbolic thing it would be to enter into Rosh Hashanah with a fully-funded Phase 1 of our Renewal Project.
To begin a conversation about your Renewal commitment, payment over time and tax advantages, please contact our Director of Development, Jonathan Ain at or 416.789.3291 ext. 249.
And as always, we thank you for your continued readership, viewership and support (financial and otherwise) of our Renewal Project.