Rabbi Yael Splansky, Acting Senior Rabbi
As the High Holidays approach, the pace at Temple becomes almost feverish. There are services to plan, and all manner of logistic and administrative details that must be managed so that we, as congregants, will be able to share the spiritual fellowship of these Days with comfort, sanctity and ruach. It requires the extraordinary effort and dedication of our professional staff to make this happen. I have come to know them, and I admire each for what they do, and how they represent Temple. My thanks to them, from all of us.
Also, in keeping with the role Rabbi Splansky has played over the past year, and will continue to fulfill during this time of transition, she now becomes our Acting Senior Rabbi. Since her very first days at Temple she has brought not only a multi-generational depth of Rabbinic ethos, but an energy, sincerity and devotion to Holy Blossom that is very special. The Officers and Executive of Temple, and the Board, express the appreciation of the whole congregation for the leading role she continues to play during these sensitive times.
We all look forward to welcoming you during the High Holidays.
L’Shana Tova.
Dr. Harvey Schipper
So pleased to learn that Rabbi Splansky is now our Acting Senior Rabbi. For her, this is no act. She fits the role perfectly.
On a very personal level Rabbi Splansky played an incredible role when she officiated at the graveside funeral for my beloved Jules who passed away on Nov 12 / 2010. Though time has passed I shall always remember her kindness and how she took her cue from my children , as they honoured their father. That memory will be with me always. My gratitude and blessing for a happy and healthy New Year. fondly, Joan Kofman.
Perfect choice and well deserved. We are fortunate to have her and her Family with us.
Very sensible decision.
Rabbi Splansky officiated at my husband’s funeral just two months ago.
Her support and understanding kept our family functioning under stressful circumstances
Rabbi Splansky is a warm and understanding woman,and in my opinion uniquily qualified
in her role as a Rabbi.My family and I wish Rabbi Splansky good luck in her new role as acting senior Rabbi. Our gratitude and support for a healthy and happy New Year
With fondest regards.
Pauline morrow
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Splansky, I am so pleased. we are fortunate to have someone so dedicated.
We commend you for appointing Rabbi Yael Splansky as acting senior rabbi. It’s a good forward step for our congregation.
Bernice & Yitz Penciner.
Dear Rabbi Splansky,
I am simply delighted with your appointment and want to covey my heartfelt wishes for l’shanah tova and kol tov always.
Warmest wishes,
Carol Abugov
Thank you, everyone, for your good wishes. It means so much to me.
I look forward to being with you to celebrate the new year. May it be a good year for us, for those we love, and for our sacred congregation, Holy Blossom Temple.
L’Shanah Tovah!
Rabbi Yael Splansky
This is wise and wonderful.
I am very glad for you and Holy Blossom. Carole J. Paul
We’re delighted to see you assuming this additional responsibility. Holy Blossom is in good hands! All our best wishes for your continued success.
Hello, Irene and Richard! So good to hear from you. Thank you for these good wishes. We miss you in Toronto. If you are ever back in town, I hope you’ll come to be with us at Holy Blossom for Shabbat.
Wishing you, Carol and Allison, a Shanah Tovah and Chag Sameach,
Rabbi Yael Splansky
I have the utmost respect and high regard for Rabbi Yael Splansky.
When she is on the Bimah, her very warmth is appealing. As Acting Senior Rabi, I know that she will fulfil her already high expectations..
Yasher Koach.
Maxel tov Rabbi Splansky. This is a well deserved honour and responsibility that you are fulfilling for Holy Blossom. Our congregation and my family has been so fortunate to have your guidance over the years.
Warmest regards,
Sondra Bertoia, Amanda Bertoia, Adelaide Bertoia-Dixon & Amelia Bertoia-Dixon