Third Night Community Passover Seder
Ve’ahavta and Holy Blossom Temple Present the 16th Annual Community Passover Seder
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Doors open 5:00 p.m.
Seder begins at 5:30 p.m.
Join us for a third night social justice Passover Seder.
Under Jewish and Aboriginal leadership, we will honour the spirit of Passover by welcoming all those who are hungry to our table. This inclusive seder will explore themes of modern day oppression, and how we can move towards collective freedom.
כל דכפין ייתי ויכול כל דצריך ייתי ויפסח
“All those who are hungry, let them come and eat!” – Passover Haggadah
[yellow_message] Thank you for your interest in this year’s Community Seder!
We are now at capacity for this year. If you are interested in making a donation in support of this event, please contact
- Leah Silverman:
- Rabbi Jordan Helfman:
We hope to see you at our seder next year! If you want to be alerted when the sign-up is open for next year’s seder, please let either Leah Silverman or Rabbi Helfman know.
Thank you for your ongoing support and have a Happy Passover![/yellow_message]
[green_message] This Seder is the product of the hard work of many volunteers.
To join the team, e-mail or call 416.964.7698 ext. 225. [/green_message]
would love to be part of this again
do you need volunteers?
Would love to have you both! We do need more volunteers currently! If you are interested in volunteering, please e-mail or call 416.964.7698 ext. 225. We will be serving dinners to the volunteers, so we ask if you are able, that purchase a ‘community member’ meal, which provieds both for yourself and for one of Veahavta’s client guests.
Looking forward to being a part of this!
we would like to help. I have other family members that would likely be interested in helping as well. Joan
Count me in