Out of the Cold Volunteer Sign Up Night
October 17 starting at 6:30 p.m. | Philip Smith Congregational Hall
All are welcome to learn more about the program and sign up for volunteer shifts.
To download the registration package, please click here.
What is Out of the Cold?
Now in its 17th year of operation, the Holy Blossom Out of the Cold program is a non-denominational coalition working to ease the plight of homelessness and socially isolated people in Toronto, during the winter months. From its humble beginnings, Out of the Cold has evolved into a city-wide coalition of religious and charitable organizations, over 50 in the GTA, participating in a program run entirely by groups of dedicated volunteers. Each site operates independently providing food, shelter and clothing to those in need and in a manner which respects their dignity and self-worth.
For more information at Out of the Cold at Holy Blossom Temple, please click here.
I have just returned from Israel and realized that I have missed the sign-up night. If there still any places left for food prep I would like to volunteer.