Our “Five To Finish” campaign … so far
Our “Five To Finish” campaign … so far
What a tremendous achievement – together!
Over the weeks since Kol Nidre, our Congregation has joined in a moving outpouring of support for our Renewal Project, under the banner of “Five to Finish”. Yes, it’s been about raising $5 million get Phase 1 of our Renewal Project across the finish line, but what we’ve really been supporting are the wonderful aspirations of our Congregation.
New donors have been inspired. In amounts from under $1,000 to $100,000, they said: Hineini: I am here to help. Donors who had given before gave again – and again – and again. By extending their pledges. By increasing by 20% or more.
Four generous Temple families challenged the Congregation with a $600,000 matching fund. The response to this leadership was (and continues to be) exciting and generous.
Volunteers joined the ongoing fundraising work and reached out to their fellow congregants. The voices of friends on the other end of the phone were effective – and the effort they made was appreciated and acknowledged by all of the brand new gifts, and the increases and extensions on prior gifts.
Our Sisterhood stepped forward in partnership with Renewal, with a project to honour its volunteers and celebrate the Judaica Shop. The generous donors and the committed volunteers they supported will be honoured on the walls and shelves of the Judaica Shop. More donations to this wonderful program are welcome.
As our “Mezuzah Thermometer” marked our success on “Five To Finish” we began to dedicate our Mezuzot, a project which will continue over the winter. Mark down this date: Friday, January 17th – we’ll be having a joyous, multi-Mezuzah dedication ceremony for all “Five To Finish” donors, with a special l’chaim before our Kabbalat Shabbat service.
And while we haven’t (yet!) reached our goal of $5,000,000, we have achieved so much, with over $1.8 million raised, as of this writing. What we do know, through our ongoing conversations, is that so many congregants are still considering their gift. For all of our members who were thinking about giving: it is most certainly not too late. Please reach out to the development office for a pledge this year, or a conversation next year. Beyond the joy of giving, the tax advantages alone can be tremendous.
In the end, what these few weeks of focus have confirmed, is this: Renewal is a project of all of us. Our support for it has made us stronger as a community. And we will do so much more at Holy Blossom Temple, together.