October 26 – Grade 7 – Daniel, Amy and Samantha
Our students participated in our annual Tzedakah Fair, learning from many not for profit agencies in Toronto about what and why they do what they do. It was great to see so many volunteers join us for this event. These are just a few of the agencies that joined us……
We also heard from Rabbi Helfman regarding the students’ upcoming “Shaarei Kehilla” booklet which is a project that comes with Bar/Bat Mitzvah. As we heard from parents, students and a staff member from JIAS, each one of us has something to offer in this process. It may seem overwhelming, but once the project begins, it is very rewarding and a learning experience.
Join our Shinshinim on Sunday, November 1st at 7 PM as we commemorate the 20th yahrzeit of Yitzhak Rabin at the First Narayever Congregation, 187 Brunswick.