October 26 – Grade 10 – Elana Paice Lidsky
Monday night was a great session for the Confirmation class. Our class spent some time getting to know each other and began our first topic of study – Jewish Identity. We began a discussion of how each of us sees themselves and how we are perceived – what are the qualities that make the students “them”. We will continue our conversation, turning to how the student identify as Reform Jewish teens in our next session.
Please click on the website below to learn about our upcoming Israel trip. This is for all Temple members (Grades 10-12). Our Israel experience is a trip of a lifetime – now 10 days long. Our students will never forget this experience. Join us for our meeting on Monday, November 2nd at 8:00 PM in the Youth Chapel. Students will join us at 8:30 at the end of their class. https://holyblossomarchives.org/2015/10/were-going-to-israel-hbt-youth-education-centre/
Our Shinshinim invite all to join us for the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the yahrzeit of Yitzhak Rabin taking place on Sunday, November 1st at the First Narayever Congregation, 187 Brunswick at 7 PM.