October 19 – Grade 9 & 10 – Geri & Elana
It was great to welcome the students back to school after a hiatus of several weeks. The grade 9 and 10’s had a unique opportunity to participate in a seminar led by Temple member, Dr. Harvey Silver. Dr. Silver is a psychologist with decades of experience in the mental health field. His topic was “Being a Mensch and having a Healthy Mind”. He challenged the students to feel confident and always strive to do their best with a positive and productive attitude. Thank you to our students for their thoughtful and respectful participation. Thank you to Dr. Silver for his hard work in preparing a meaningful and thought provoking workshop for our Grade 9 and 10 students.
Elana & Geri
Next week we will start our electives. If you have not chosen an elective, please go to the website, click here:
Also, join JVC and HBT on Sunday, October 25th for SKYZONE! 12:30 PM Click here for more information: