November 11 – Grade 5 – Tali
Shalom everyone
Today in Hebrew we learned about roots. We explored how most Hebrew words are built on three root letters and how understanding roots opens a whole new understanding of the language. We have done a nice exercise looking for words built on the root “life” in the prayer that we’ve learned “Ge’voorot” , you should ask your kids to show you.
In concluding the study of Joshua, the kids wrote about an experience that they had where they were scared to do something and they got the courage to do it after all just as Joshua was encouraged by God to continue with the words CHAZAK VE’EMATZ, be strong and courageous. We use the similar words when we complete each book of the Torah – Chazak Chazak ve’nitchazeik.
The students wrote a summary about Joshua and we even had time to play 2 games of Bingo in Hebrew. So much fun and so much done in one day.
Have a great week.