Nov 8 – Grade 2 – Dara
Dear Grade 2 Families,
On Sunday we had our second lesson with the Grade 3 students. We spoke about the meaning and history behind the Hatikvah, the Israeli National anthem. The kids explored different ‘Hopes’ for Israel and hopes they have for their own lives. We then took each word in the Hatikvah and put it in its proper place and worked on reconstructing all of the words to Hatikvah as a group! This was a tough challenge that not only inspired all students to value every single word of the anthem but also work together to be successful!
With the Shinshinim we played a matching game of Israeli Trivia and learned a lot of new facts about the State of Israel like, the Duchifat was voted the Israeli national bird!
In Hebrew we moved on to the letter ‘Het’ that makes a ‘ch’ sounds like the Chaf. After our lesson we finished the day with some review games like aleph bet bingo and Hebrew hangman!
Shavuah tov,
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