Nov 22 – Junior Kindergarten – Alexandra
Dear JK Parents,
Thanks again for joining us for our family activity. It was wonderful meeting all of you and having you involved in your child’s learning. I hope you enjoyed making the placemats and plan to use them in your family’s Shabbat celebrations.
We’re starting to prepare for Chanukah in the JK classroom. Today, we learned how to play dreidel. Everyone learned the four Hebrew letters on the dreidel and what to do when you land on each letter.
Next week, we’ll continue to learn about Chanukah- we’ll be making a Chanukiah that you can use at home and learning some fun Hannukah songs. See you then!
Shavua Tov, have a great week!
KIDS’ MITZVAH CLUB MEETS THIS WEEK! Help your kids become Mitzvah Superstars Sunday, November 29th 11:30 and 12:30 – come after class or KEF!!
JOIN PJ LIBRARY as they go to camp – this Sunday, November 29- 2:30-4 PM. See attached flyer: PJ goes to camp flyer November