Nov 22 – Grade 1 – Ariella
This week in grade 1, we learned about the Mitzvah of Kibud Horim – honouring our parents (or grandparents, aunts, uncles, people who take care of us). The students made cards to take home showing their gratitude and respect for their parents.
We also played games with the alef-bet letters, and with holiday pictures. We created a zebra in honour of the letter zayin, and added it to our books.
Thank you to everyone who brought tzedaka! What a mitzvah!
Class lists were distributed, to make getting together for play dates much easier! If you did not receive one, we will have more in class next week.
Looking forward to next week, where we will be doing a special art project!
KIDS’ MITZVAH CLUB MEETS THIS WEEK! Help your kids become Mitzvah Superstars Sunday, November 29th 11:30 and 12:30 – come after class or KEF!!
JOIN PJ LIBRARY as they go to camp – this Sunday, November 29- 2:30-4 PM. See attached flyer: PJ goes to camp flyer November