Notice of Holy Blossom Temple Brotherhood AGM
FEBRUARY 21, 2016
TIME: 9:30 AM
- Welcome and D’var Torah (to be determined)
- Approval of Minutes
- Approve minutes of last AGM held November 12, 2015.
- President’s Report from Mike Morgulis (MM)
- Update on HBT Board.
- Update on construction activities.
- Update on requests for funding from BH including $40,000 allotted for a named contribution towards the new Temple project to be determined.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Presentation of financial statements for last fiscal year(s) and budget for upcoming fiscal year.
- Brotherhood Annual General Meeting
- Election of Brotherhood Board of Directors positions, including President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chair, Programming Chair, Communication Chair and general board members.
- Summary of significant Brotherhood projects and undertakings from the past year
- Yartzheit candle initiative.
- Plaut commentaries.
- Donations to Camp George, Kutz Camp, Richard Ludwig re: HBT’s study in Israel initiative.
- Reports from Brotherhood members on other committees
- Temple Board nominating committee (Peter Weinwurm)
- Transition Committee.
- Worship Committee
- Upcoming events
- final winter breakfasts, June Sisterhood/Brotherhood BBQ Havdallah, Autumn Retreat.
- Sunday morning breakfasts
- Next Breakfast on Sun. Mar. 6.
- Speaker: TBD.
- Confirm food to be served.
- Other
- Including new business.
- Confirm date of next Brotherhood business meeting with new executive board members
- Scheduled for Wed. Mar. 9, 2016.
- Motion to Adjourn[blankline]
[green_message] To download the AGM minutes from 2015, please click here. [/green_message]
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