Musical Heritage Concert Series: Profeti della Quinta
Dear friends,
My passion for Jewish music stretches far beyond the range of two octaves plus vocal chords which God has granted me. It also reaches far beyond the particular styles of “Cantorial flair” of east and west European classical Jewish music. I have always loved the exploration of Jewish music of Antiquity, namely Jewish music from the 12th – 6th century.
This year in particular we are lucky to bring to our Temple:
With the Superb Israeli Vocal Ensemble ‘Profeti della Quinta’
Thursday, October 23, 2014 – 7.30 p.m. at Holy Blossom Temple,
1950 Bathurst Street
Holy Blossom Temple’s Musical Heritage Concert Series is proud to present Profeti della Quinta, a vocal ensemble who will perform classic melodies from the Renaissance as composed in Mantua, Italy by the acclaimed Italian Jewish composer, Salomone Rossi (c.1570-c.1630)
Profeti della Quinta was founded in the Galilee region of Israel by the bass singer and harpsichordist Elam Rotem, and is based in Basel, Switzerland, where its members undertook further studies of early music at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis.
Profeti della Quinta performs regularly in prestigious music festivals and venues such as the Oude Muziek Festival Utrecht (the Netherlands), St. Michel en Thierarche Baroque Music Festival (France), Musikfestpiele Potsdam (Germany) and many more. Highlights of 2014 include debuts in the USA and in Japan, as well as concerts in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France and the Netherlands.
Numerous concerts by the ensemble have been broadcast live or recorded by classical radio channels such as BBC3 (United Kingdom), France Musique, Switzerland DRS2, Israel’s Voice of Music and many more.
This program portrays Salomone Rossi’s many-faceted art as a court composer in the service of the Gonzaga family and as a unique innovator of devotional music for the synagogue, by presenting a selection of his Italian madrigals, instrumental pieces, and Hebrew prayers.
A screening of the award winning documentary Hebreo: The Search for Salomone Rossi will begin the program.
Admission: Adults $36; Students (18 and under) $18. For more information and tickets contact Mari Lynn Rusak 416-789-3291 ext. 224 |
Holy Blossom Temple’s Musical Heritage Concert Series is one of Canada’s longest running Jewish music series.
[green_message] Please click here from more information about the 2014/2015 Musical Heritage Concert Series. [/green_message]
Click above to listen to Profeti della Quinta and for a brief sample of the evening
I had heard this music previously on Intermezzo, Arik Vardi’s tv program. Enjoyed it immensely!
I would love to find a website with their music so that I might be able to hear it when I choose.
Thank you so much!
You can try here to start: