Mondays at the YEC
JTEM – Jewish Teen Experience Midtown: Holy Blossom’s ‘Post B’nei Mitzvah Program.’ Open to ALL students in grade 8+
The first hour will be JTEM’s classic and much-loved learning sessions with Geri Durbin, covering deeper topics relevant to today’s Jewish teens, including exciting guest speakers. JTEM focuses on identity and choices: asking big questions, looking at issues in society and our community and how we as Jews approach them.
JTEM also focuses on the Holocaust and looks at what the choices that resulted in the atrocities, the unfortunate reality of these choices repeating, and how we can avoid further repetition.
The theme of choice continues into a study of Israel – the choices around the State’s formation in 1948, and the choices that are made today within the country’s diverse and complicated population.
The second hour is electives. Students will have the opportunity to participate in their choice of options including Song Leading Skills, Jewish Cooking, Leadership Opportunities, and more! There will be 4 rounds of electives throughout the year.
JTEM is open to ALL Holy Blossom members, regardless of previous YEC enrollment. JTEM also welcomes friends of HBT members. Contact Lisa Isen Baumal to learn more!