Monday November 27, 2017 – Grade 7
Here are a few reminders for all of our Grade 7 families. Please be aware:
- You received information on creating a yad (torah pointer) for each Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Please follow the directions (If you are in a registered class….) on the website, Our class code is 111116.
- Grade 7s on another field trip to Fairlawn United Church on Monday, December 11th. More information to follow. We will all meet at the church at 6:45 PM. Please do not come to Holy Blossom that evening.
- Watch for a special program for all Grades 6s & 7s at RINX, Saturday night, January 13th at 7-9:45 pm. Save the date!
From Rabbi Helfman:
When our children are called as Jewish Adults to the Bimah, there are many options of ritual clothing that they might wear. The first hour we focused on kippot, tallitot and t’fillin. At home, you might want to discuss with your kids what you wear when you pray and why you wear it. If you need help with this discussion, please be in touch and I can provide you with resources.
In the second hour, we learned a bit more about each other, and what makes our Jewish identities – from the families stories that ground our past and inform our future – to the questions we ask when we think about Judaism and commandments. We ended with t’fillah – a prayer experience – and a d’var Torah which spoke about anxiety being natural, and something that Jacob wrestled with in the Torah.
From Rabbi Bill:
On Monday November 27, Holy Blossom’s Grade 7 students explored the nature and importance of the tallit, t’filin, and kippah, three items integral to Jewish religious practice. Rabbi Tepper brought two of his tallit, the t’filin with which he prepared for becoming a Bar Mitzvah [ages ago!] as well his large collection of kippot [the majority of them acquired during travels in Israel], to show his students.
An important part of our class’s conversation revolved around when and how these items are worn in Reform and more-traditional [Conservative, Orthodox] Judaism.
The students also spent time on specially-prepared worksheets, endeavouring to articulate their ‘Jewish selves;’ that is, how they define their Jewish view of the world.
In the latter part of the evening, everyone gathered in the Youth Chapel for t’filah, led by Rabbi Jordan Helfman and Israeli Emissary Ido Mordechay.
Sh’vua tov – a good week to all!
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