Mazel Tov: Our congregants make a commitment to Jewish Foundation’s Book of Life
Holy Blossom Temple extends a sincere Mazel Tov to all our congregants who have made a commitment to Jewish Foundation’s Book of Life in 2017/2018. The Book of Life demonstrates our commitment to Toronto’s Jewish community and its future.
- Mark S. Anshan
- Laurie and Michael Davis
These congregants join an esteemed list of donors who have joined the “Book of Life” Family, since the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto first launched the project 14 years ago:
- Steven Davidson & Sari Goldman
- Diamond Family
- Duckman Family
- Elliott & Wendy Eisen
- Michael & Sandra Florence
- Alice Herman z”l
- W. Bernard Herman z”l
- Andrew Hoffman and Leslie Giller
- Gales Family
- William and Carol Kassel
- Sydney z”l & Sheila z”l Loftus
- Mintz Family
- Sam & Michal Mizrachi
- Judy Nyman
- Allan Offman
- Lesley Binstock Offman
- Gary & Alison Polan
- Donald z”l and Elaine Rafelman
- Leslie Richmond
- Avra Rosen
- Gerald Schwartz & Heather Reisman
- Michael and Lili Shain
- Michael & Jaclyn Shulman
- Micki Moore Simpson & Leonard Simpson
- Randy Spiegel
- Manuel z”l & Phyllis Spivak
- Carole Sterling
- Judy Winberg
- Carole Herman Zucker