JVC H.O.M.E. is back!
If you are in grades 6-8, join us once a month for a ‘Hands On Mitzvah Experience’. Each month is a different mitzvah!
The first H.O.M.E. is on Monday, November 2nd, 2015 from 5:30 – 6:00 p.m.
We’ll be baking muffins to distribute to guests at HBT’s Out of the Cold. While the muffins are baking, we’ll have a light pizza dinner, and conversation, led by our ShinShinim, Noam and Bar.
Please be sure to RSVP to Lisa Isen Baumal: lbaumal@holyblossom.org or 416-789-3291 ext. 242
Looking forward to doing mitzvot together!!!
Yasher Koach to the 25 students who came out yesterday to make over 150 muffins for Out of the Cold! Next Hands On Mitzvah Experience will be on December 7th. Watch for details!!!