Judaica Shop: New for April
Come and visit us in our new location. We are located in the NEW ENTRACE to the TEMPLE.
The shop offers a wide variety of all your Pesach needs. Matzah Covers and Matzah Plates, Haggadot, (just arrived a limited number of Baskin Haggadot), Kiddush Cups, Sedar Plates and much more.)
Shop hours: Monday, to Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Sunday by appointment
Sisterhood members receive a 10 per cent discount on all purchases.
If you are unable to shop during the hours the shop is open, call the Temple 416 789-3291 and leave a message at extension 234 or email: judaicashop@holyblossom.org and we would be happy to make an appointment.
Did you know that all proceeds from the shop go towards our school and programming for our children?