Judaica Shop: A Sample of Honey Pots
Although summer is at its height. It is not too early to prepare for the upcoming High Holy Days, which begin two days after Labour Day.
The shop offers a wide variety of Honey pots, Apple and Honey dishes and hostess gifts. Along with Kippot, Tallit and of course CDs of the music of the holidays.
Feature: A sample of Honey Pots
Or if you are looking for Matza Covers, Matza Plates, Kiddush Cups, Tallitot, Mezzuzot, Challah Covers, Challah Knifes, Books, Bar and Bat Mitzvah gifts, we would be pleased to serve you.
Our shop is closed for the Summer, but we are pleased to serve your needs by appointment or call in at the office and they will help you.
Do you have a couple of hours a month to spare, why not consider volunteering in our beautiful shop. Leave a message at judaicashop@holyblossom.org or 416 789-3291 ext 234.
Sisterhood members receive a 10 per cent discount on all purchases. And there is no sales tax charged.