January 10 – Grade 5 – Tali Weiss
Shalom everyone! It was so wonderful to see everyone back.
We started class reviewing our latest prophet, Deborah. The students teamed up to write a song about her. We are looking forward to hearing all the results!
We had a fun lesson with the Shinshinim decoding two names of places in Israel: the Knesset- Israeli parliament and the Kotel – the Western Wall.
In Hebrew we started the prayer Hoda’ah, a part of the Amidah.
I would like to invite you all on the 31st of January to join in with us in the morning for a taste of what we do and how we learn what we learn. I think it could be fun and interesting to have a lesson with your children.
Please confirm if you can attend. My email is: taliweiss@rogers.com
Thank you,