Humans, not just hammers
Humans, not just hammers
As Phase 1 work proceeds within our wonderful new spaces, we wanted to take a moment to appropriately recognise the army of volunteers and Temple professionals who live our Renewal of Spirit on a daily basis, coming together with joy and purpose to prepare us for living in our brand new campus.
Led, of course, by the Renewal Project Steering Committee and supported by the Building, Fundraising, Transition, Engagement, Communication and Financial Oversight Committees, these tireless volunteers are guiding the overall project to ensure that our building looks and feels and operates as wonderfully as we all expect it to, and that, importantly, we pay for the cost of the work through the generosity of our congregation.
The members of these committees have been joined by so many other good people who are helping to plan the new Judaica Shop, Holy Grounds (our new café), the spectacular Library, the art that will adorn our walls, and the special hospitality you’ll feel the moment you walk in the doors. On top of all that, our volunteers are helping select furniture for the beautiful public spaces, coordinating our environmentally-friendly green wall and LEED certification and planning for a welcoming event at our renewed home later in the fall. We also received valuable input from members as we planned for the safety of all who enter the campus and ensured that all of our spaces are accessible and inclusive.
HBT Renewal is a project that is not just FOR the congregation. It is OF our congregation. And we simply could not have achieved what we’ve achieved without the continued support of all of our volunteers and donors. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Click right here, to see the most up to date photos of our light-filled Atrium, Library, brand new Family Chapel, Judaica shop, Youth Lounge and the rest of our Phase 1 spaces in progress.
And click here to check out the live streaming video from either of our 2 construction cameras.
Aleinu … It is upon US.
We are this close (pinch your thumb and forefinger together, so they’re almost touching) to hitting the $28 million mark in fundraising. Let’s do this, friends!
To start your own conversation about joining your fellow congregants in making a pledge to the Renewal Project and helping us to achieve our goal of fully funding Phase 1 in time for our planned opening before the upcoming High Holy Days, please contact Director of Development, Jonathan Ain at 416-789-3291, extension 249 or email
As always, we thank you for your continued readership, viewership and support (financial and otherwise) of our Renewal Project.