Holy Blossom Temple Sisterhood Retreat April 2014
By Pnina Margolese.
On a very raining day in early April, 22 women of Holy Blossom Temple Sisterhood met at the Bayview Wildwood Resort to study, worship, play and generally have together time at our Annual Retreat…
Although the weather was unpredictable, rain on Friday, snow on Saturday and glorious sun on Sunday, it did not deter the warmth or enthusiasm of those gathered.
On Friday night we celebrated Shabbat with a traditional Shabbat dinner, followed by services using the WRJ Centennial Kabbalat Shabbat Service. We ended the evening with a mixer. Although most of us knew each other, there were some “newbies” who we welcomed into our “family” with open arms.
Shabbat morning, SNOW and the warmth of Shabbat Services. Following services we held the first of our Study Sessions on “Saucy Women of the Bible”, led by our Rabbi Terri Appleby. Afterwards came lunch, free time (massages) and then Seudah Shlisheet, followed by our second study session.
Dinner was followed by a very moving Havdallah Service and another mixer. We were lucky enough to have a wonderful song leader, so we ended the evening with a rousing Sing A Long.
Sunday morning and wonderful sunshine. After breakfast, Rabbi Appleby lead another terrific session, this time on Song of Songs, which we just read on Pesach. We concluded our weekend with Israeli Dancing and a moving closing circle as we held each other tight standing under the rabbi’s tallit.
All in all, a wonderful retreat.
Sounds like an absolutely wonderful weekend!